Let your doll have a Happy Valentine's Day in my selection of outfits. Every year when Christmas has ended, I pull out all my heart fabrics. This is what I came up with so far for 2022. Do you feel that happy connection when you see hearts? I do! Hope you enjoyed seeing my collection! Now you know what I have been up to the past 21 days! adorabledolldesigns on Etsy All things heart. There are 49 items listed at the time of this blog. All things HEART Lynnette adorabledolldesigns
Countdown to Christmas! As I continue this, there are 22 days left until Christmas Day. I just spent some time online looking for something for my Dad. I hear it is a good idea to get started early -----this year especially! Please take into consideration the shipping time. All items ship first class unless upgraded to another method. I am going to try to add to this post as time permits. What is the best seller for 2021? #1 FLANNEL PAJAMAS I think these have been my best seller because they zip up and have feet. They also have ribbing around the neckline and wrists. They come in 12", 14" / preemie, 16" (for Cabbage Patch). and 15" for Bitty Baby. #2 POLAR FLEECE PAJAMAS Fleece pajamas, whether with caps or not, are my number 2 seller. I am not surprised as fleece is so cozy in those winter months. #3- Pants and T-shirts Pants sets sell at all times of year. Christmas is no exception. Christmas cottons still available. #4- Flannel Pants and Sweatshirts Now that it ...